Archives: News

ECB Chief updated on Wick-Heathfield partnership

Sam Kemp, HWRCC Chairman, joined James Watson, Head of HWRCC Girls Cricket and head of PE at Heathfield Junior School, met Richard Thompson the Chief Executive of the ECB on Monday.


Richard was joined by Hannah Bruce, Head of Public Policy for the ECB.


The meeting was held to promote the fantastic partnership he Wick has built with Heathfield Junior School.

Richard was interested to understand how the partnership had been established. He and Hannah also heard about the great opportunities the Wick provides to boys and girls from Heathfield to play the competitive cricket that they want to play but often struggle to access through the state school system.

Hampton wick royal cricket club

Update from the Chairman

Another busy “off-season” week for the Wick…


Great to see indoor winter training up and running, particularly hooking up with an old friend and ex-Wick coach, Monte Lynch. He was kindly giving his time to helping lead the girls training on Sunday. We were also very grateful to Ariana Dowse, wicket-keeper/batter for the Sunrisers (Sunrisers women’s cricket) who also gave her time for free and ran some great coaching sessions for the aspiring keepers amongst the girls (and giving a few tips to your Chairman!)


The Pavilion Rebuild team met on Monday. We were delighted to hear that the initial feedback from the Royal Parks for our pavilion rebuild plans is really positive. They also gave strong signals of their support for our plans for the temporary accommodation that will be in place for both the 2024 and 2025 seasons. Watch this space for more details. Please also put the date of 26 February evening in you diary when we will be presenting all the latest plans to those that can attend an on-line presentation from members of the Rebuild team. Invite to follow soon….


On Wednesday Dom Spray, our Head of Juniors Cricket, and I attended a Surrey CCC Club Development Roadshow at Wimbledon CC. There was a wide and varied agenda but particular focus on support for volunteer coaches and club administrators. We are so grateful to all our voluntary coaches but we need more! On that topic, a big shout out to Keerat Khaira who is not only completing his Level 2 Core Coaching qualification as I write, but also received a bursary from Middlesex CCC to do this.


Congrats to K, and if you would like to get involved as a coach, or in any capacity to support our junior cricketers, please let me or Dom know.
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A message from the chairman – Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all. It feels great to say that the season starts later this year!
I was delighted earlier this week to take part in a discussion / consultation session with Junior players and parents. The call which was set up to present and review the plans and options for the pavilion rebuild. More than 40 people joined the call so we had excellent participation and lots of valuable feedback for the project team to take on board. It was very pleasing that the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Everyone was excited and impressed by the speed at which the plans have developed. Thanks to all of the Project Board who, under Matty Davies’ leadership, are working so hard for all of us.
Whilst the plans look great, it now seems certain that the costs of the rebuild will exceed the insurance pay out, let alone the costs of temporary accommodation until the new pavilion is open for business. This is because we are not only improving what we had before but also we are taking the opportunity to solve for some infrastructure issues that have developed in the last decade or so. These include, for example, the drainage system. It’s not very exciting stuff (!) but now that we operate 12 months of the year, and with a larger number of users, the septic tank we have used for so long is no longer fit for purpose. As a result we will be taking the opportunity to connect our drainage to the main sewer system on Park Road. The cost for this alone could run to £100,000. This means our fundraising is still a critical part of the program. To that end please look out for more exciting and fun events planned before the season starts.
Speaking of the season start, good luck to all those who will be taking part in the first indoor winter training sessions this Sunday. Have fun and no injuries please!
Finally, the 2024 Surrey Championship league fixtures are now published and will be on the website and across our social media channels soon. Bring on 11 May when the Adult season starts!
Hampton wick royal cricket club

Your club needs you… Please! A message from the Chairman

My message to everyone this week is more of a request for help than an update of off-field events.
We have two key roles that are critical for the efficient running of the club that are currently vacant:
  • Membership Secretary; and
  • Junior Cricket Welfare Officer
Phil Miles and Dean Hewitt respectively, have both done a great job fulfilling these roles for the club over the last few years, but both will be stepping down for 2024.
Both roles are typically very quiet in the off-season. The Membership Secretary would be part of Russell Hoadley’s Treasurer team and typically involves 2-3 hours work per week during the season. The Junior Cricket Welfare Officer is a member of Dom Spray’s Junior Committee and also works in partnership with Zubair Ahmed, the Club Welfare Officer. Workload depends on how well behaved we all are (!) and also oversees the ongoing governance structure and documentation of our Junior section. Ideally this role would be filled by the parent or guardian of a Junior player.
No qualifications or experience are required for either role. Phil and Dean will work with you to ensure a smooth handover, so if you would like to get involved in the running of the club by succeeding either of them I would love to hear from you.
In other news, this Thursday a group of us from the Pavilion Rebuild Project Team will be meeting our insurance claim advisor, and representatives from both the Royal Parks and the insurance company. This will be a good opportunity for us to connect key stakeholders and to get a better picture of the next steps. I’ll share any actions arising from that meeting with you all next week.
Finally a reminder that the Captains’ Selection Meeting will be be held at St John’s Church, Hampton Wick on Tuesday 28th November 2023. It will start at 7.30pm. The AGM will follow immediately afterwards at the same venue.
Hampton wick royal cricket club

Update from the Chairman

Happy Diwali to all our members!

As I mentioned last week, our indoor winter training is now booked at Esher College and Tiffins Boys School starting on Sunday, 14 January. All Junior age groups will be involved.

With that in mind, now is a good time to let everyone know that we are delighted to announce that Mo Ahmad will be our Junior Head Coach for 2024. Mo has worked as a coach for us in recent years and is now making the step up to this position. He is already working with Dom Spray, Chair of Junior Cricket, and James Watson, Head of Girls Cricket, to develop an inclusive and exciting coaching program for all our Junior cricketers.

We continue to work with the Royal Parks to agree the most suitable form of temporary accommodation until the pavilion is rebuilt. Several options are still being considered. As soon as we have a decision we will let you know. We hope the demolition of what remains of the pavilion will be completed by Christmas.

With regards to the rebuild itself, we were delighted that the insurers confirmed last week that our claim has been approved. This represents a major milestone for us but does not mean our own fundraising efforts come to an end. Far from it. The insurance proceeds we hope will cover much of the cost of the new pavilion; however, the running costs of the cricket club without pavilion related income are still significant and will not be funded by membership subscriptions alone. Other items we will need to fund include the temporary accommodation costs and any improvements we want to make to the new pavilion and its related infrastructure.

Have a great week and enjoy the final knockout games of the Cricket World Cup. Can South Africa follow up their rugby success with another triumph in India?!

Sam Kemp

HWRCC Chairman

Hampton wick royal cricket club

Update from the Chairman

Wow and wow again! That was the general sentiment of all those who were able to join us at our 160th Anniversary Dinner on Saturday last week.

It was a fantastic occasion where we were royally entertained and celebrated all that’s good about the Wick. Thanks so much to the Dream Team of Messrs Collier, Lefeuvre, Richards and Dowling that worked so hard to organise it. Also many thanks to those that donated items for the auction and raffle.

Now that their forensic investigation is complete, we have at last been given the green light by the insurers to demolish what’s left of the pavilion and the clear the site. This will probably take a few more weeks once we have awarded the work to a contractor. One immediate benefit of this is that Harlequins Amateur rugby club will be able to resume training on the outfield of our main pitch. Until the site is cleared all training and matches have been consigned to the Kings Field.

As I mentioned in my update last week we have booked the indoor training facilities at Esher College and Tiffin Boys School for our indoor winter training program. The first sessions will run from Sunday, 14 January 2024. Details will soon follow from the Juniors leadership team.

We are looking for a new Membership Secretary for the club. After several years in the role, Phil Miles is stepping down. This is a critical role and many thanks to Phil for his diligence in that capacity.

Off season the workload is pretty light but during the season it requires a couple of hours a week. If you would like to get involved in the running of the club and are well organised and good with data please let me know. You are just the right person to take over from Phil!

Finally, this week will see many events to celebrate the build up to Diwali next Sunday, 12 November. Have fun and best wishes to all those taking part!

Update from the Chairman

As I write this week’s update I’m delighted to say that we have just secured our indoor winter training venues for 2024 at Esher College and Tiffin School (dates to follow). Normally I wouldn’t be so excited about something which I consider “business as usual”, but with so much focus recently on the pavilion rebuild agenda, it’s really important to remember that our cricket is still the most important thing and it still goes on.

I’m also excited our 160th Anniversary Dinner which takes place at the Richmond Hill Hotel tomorrow.

It’s going to be a special event in many ways. Firstly, because it celebrates our long and distinguished history; secondly because it recognises all the individuals on and off the pitch that make the club such a fantastic place to play cricket, rugby and other sports; and finally because it gives us a great opportunity to continue our fundraising efforts with more than 200 members and friends of the club in attendance.

Talking of fundraising, I checked our JustGiving account and our Crowdfunder account earlier today. Regardless of the amounts we have collected in each, we have had almost 600 donations. That’s a justified reflection of the wide reach we have to so many interested parties and stakeholders in and around our community. I thank you all.

Unfortunately I have nothing to report regarding our insurance claim. We have now provided them with all the information they have requested and more. Disappointingly they have told us they are inundated with flood damage claims so we still wait to hear from them.

To all our South Africa and New Zealand rugby supporting members and friends, good luck in Paris tomorrow!

Hampton wick royal cricket club

An update from the Chairman

Since my last update we have been busy exploring the best options to get some form of temporary accommodation back at the Wick as soon as possible. This will be for the benefit of rugby players, footballers, cricketers and all other users alike.

Click here to donate

We had a productive meeting with the Royal Parks management to address this. Portakabins would be the obvious choice but problems that would arise from physically moving them through Bushy Park to site look as if they could be insurmountable. Other options are now being considered and we hope to provide a concrete answer on this in due course.

The insurance claim is still work in progress. We have now provided their forensics team and loss adjusters with all the information they have requested. We now await their final report.

Our fundraising team are still working hard and I hope you have seen the info about Move4theWick. It starts tomorrow and finishes at The Boaters Inn next Saturday, 21 October. Please do get involved with the challenge, and I hope to see as many of you as possible at The Boaters next Saturday!

Finally, we are getting excited about our (almost) sold out 160th Anniversary Dinner. It is now only 2 weeks away and we look forward to welcoming Charles “Daggers” Dagnall as our guest speaker. Thanks to the generosity of many friends of the club, we have some fantastic items for our auction and raffle. So as well as the usual fun and games, it presents another great opportunity to raise much needed funds to keep sport alive and kicking at the Wick.


Update from the Chairman

Calling all Wick members and friends…

You’ve all been so generous with your money as we look to get sport back at The Wick.

Now we are asking for your time and skills to help with our Crowdfunder application to Sport England for match funding.

If we raise £20,000 we stand to be awarded £10,000 in match funding. However, we need to offer rewards for those pledging money.

Do you have a service or a skill you can provide in exchange for a donation?

Can you offer a discount if someone pledges some cash to The Wick?

Thanks to Jon Pickles who has kindly offered to chauffeur pledgers to their wedding/party or prom in his 1955 Rolls Royce – for a hefty sum.

So, tree surgeons, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, gardeners let’s be ‘avin’ you!

If you can help us by offering your time and skills just for a few hours, please contact our fundraising team by emailing

Below is a link showing the rewards offered by a previous crowdfunding page:


We have been working really hard since the last update and our insurance claim is progressing.

However, it’s likely to take at least six weeks to know where we stand. We will update you all as soon as we know more.

Thanks to the amazing efforts by both our rebuild and fundraising teams, we are in the process of securing temporary facilities so we can get sport back at The Wick.

We are really grateful for all the offers of help on this front.

In the coming days we have meetings set up with both The Royal Parks and Richmond Borough Council to establish permissions and access.

And we must say a huge thanks to all of those involved for their speed in getting back to us.

All the ongoing fundraising activity will be essential to make sure we can provide the right facilities in the short term to get sport back on at The Wick and for us to enjoy a full season next year.

For the longer-term pavilion replacement, our intention is to build back better and do it as quickly as possible.

We are planning to conduct a survey so we can create a database of people who have offered to help.

For the rebuild we will need input from all members, old young, men, women so we get it right. We are also looking for help from:

  • Quantity Surveyors
  • Landscape Architects
  • Environmental Engineers
  • Ecologists
  • Arboricultural Consultants
  • Transport Consultants
  • Flood Risk Consultants
  • Archaeologists

Please let us know how you can help by emailing Emma Beavan direct detailing what you can offer.