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An important update from the Club President

Dear members and friends of HWRCC

Please watch below the video update from Club President, Graham Smith. Graham’s message provides an update on the rebuild of the pavilion, planning permission and fundraising schemes which HWRCC are going to be running.

If you wish to support either of the fundraising schemes, please do not hesitate to email any member of the committee or

Chairman’s Update – 28 October 2024

As the clocks went back this weekend it felt like autumn is truly upon us. The 2024 cricket season is becoming a distant memory but there is still plenty going on behind the scenes for me to tell you about.

Last week all 76 clubs in the Surrey Championship were invited to a meeting to vote on the future of the league. (A reminder that the Surrey Championship is the Adult men’s league that we play on Saturdays). The proposal was to vote to dissolve the league, which has been in existence for more than 50 years. The proposal needed a 2/3rds majority to succeed. Of the 72 clubs that attended the meeting, 56 voted in favour and 16 against, so the proposal was passed. In line with member feedback, we voted in favour of this proposal.

The next step is to reform the league. The plan is to merge the 76 ex-Surrey Championship clubs with two other Surrey leagues: the Surrey Cricket League and Surrey County League. This merger with result in a new, bigger league called the Surrey Cricket Championship. This will mean more local, regional cricket. The obvious benefit to us is less travel time for away games, particularly for our teams lower down the league pyramid. There will be other changes to the playing conditions which will be confirmed at future meetings. I will update you once these are confirmed.

Regarding the rebuild of our pavilion, we are in the final stages of our application for planning permission. A group of us met the planners at the club recently. They would like us to make some changes to the plans for the upper story of the building and these are almost complete. Our key stakeholders, namely our local Councillor, Sport England and the Royal Parks (our landlord) all support our plans.

If the plans are approved in the next few weeks we will then complete technical drawings and start the tendering process for the work. Our best case scenario will see building commence on site as the 2025 cricket season starts. Again, I will continue to provide you with updates in the coming winter months.

We are still engaged with the insurers to finalise the funding we will receive from them. Our best estimates suggest we will have a significant gap between the insurance proceeds and the cost of the new pavilion. We have a Fundraising Team who are entirely dedicated on closing this gap. Anyone who can give their time or expertise would be most welcome to join this team. Please let me know if you can help.

Finally a couple of dates for your diary:

  • The Annual Dinner takes place on Saturday, 9 November at The Mitre Hotel in Hampton Court. We still have a few spare places. If you would like a ticket please contact Jack Le Feuvre.
  • The AGM will take place on Wednesday, 4 December at Bullen Hall in Hampton Wick, next to the library. Please come along to vote on the captains for next season, to get the latest update on the pavilion and the club finances, and to hear more about the progress we are making to grow the club further.
  • The inaugural Wick City Lunch will take place on Thursday 6 March at Smith and Wollensky on Embankment where we will be joined and entertained by 2005 Ashes winning captain Michael Vaughan. More information on the event and ticket booking will follow.

I hope to see you at one or both of these events. If not, perhaps I’ll bump into you in The Foresters which doubles up as my “Office” where I have Wick related meetings most weeks nowadays!

Sam Kemp

HWRCC Chairman

Success for HWRCC at the Surrey Cricket Collective Awards

Sunday 24 August saw the Surrey Cricket Collective Awards held at the Kia Oval, marking a celebration of all the off-field, behind the scenes work which goes into every successful, volunteer run cricket club in Surrey. The Wick are delighted to have several nominations across several categories. Dom Spray and Callum Donnelly were nominate for the Unsung Hero award, whilst the following were shortlisted for their fantastic work and contributions to the Wick:

  • Unsung Hero – Ben Houghton
  • Growing the Game – Nick Dunmore
  • Inspired to play – Surbhi Agrawal
  • Metro Bank Champion of Girls Cricket – James Watson.

We are delighted that James Watson was the winner of the Inspired to Play Award. A huge congratulations to James, as well as all those shortlisted and nominated. It is a huge honour for the Wick to win an award for the second consecutive year, and will only spur the club on to continue our efforts to grow the game.

Below is the extract from James’s nomination for the Award. Richly deserved.

Richard Thompson visited Heathfield Junior School and was impressed with the cricket provision they are providing for children from disadvantaged background. James has acquired funding from OSF to deliver a number of cricketing projects which include girls’ hardball; girls’ softball as well as clubs and camps for those on free school meals. Heathfield Junior School is one of only two state primary schools included in Cricketers Top Schools Guide 2024 and was also included in 2023 and 2022. As well as being nationally recognised for HAF (Holiday and Food) cricket camp for free school meals children. Providing a free hot meal, cricket coaching, nutritional advice, sports psychology advice and a trip to the Oval to watch a game during the summer camp. Coaching sessions were also arranged with Emma Jones, Ariana Dowse, Ivreen Dhaliwal, Angus Fraser, Monte Lynch, Arun Harinath, Blake Cullen and Amelie Munday.

The Girls’ hardball team won the Surrey u11 tier 2 league after only playing hardball for 2 months. HWRCC girls u9s, all Heathfield girls and all free school meals children have won all their games this season.

Their boys, who are all free school meals children were Chance to Shine Regional Street Cricket Champions U13 (playing two years up) and came 3rd in the Chance to Shine National Street U13s Finals.

James Watson is truly breaking down barriers and making the game more inclusive”.

Club Chairman Sam Kemp commented “I am so proud and grateful for the work all those nominated do for our club and for playing a significant part in making the Wick the great club that it is. Every club member owes them an enormous thank you!”

Update from the Chairman – 30 August

For only the second time this season, Saturday was a complete washout. Thankfully, Friday and Sunday were dry and saw the Old Boys and the Warriors play out two excellent games. Cricket, as always, was the winner!

Off the field two newsworthy events of note….. Firstly the Surrey Cricket Collective Awards were held at the Oval on Sunday. This is a celebration of all the off-field, behind the scenes work that goes into every successful, volunteer run cricket club in Surrey. I am delighted to say that we had several nominations across several categories. Notably, Dom Spray and Callum Donnelly were nominated for the Unsung Hero award and the following were shortlisted for their fantastic work and contributions to the Wick:

• Unsung Hero: Ben Houghton
• Growing the Game: Nick Dunmore
• Inspired to Play: Surbhi Agrawal
• Metro Bank Champion of Girls Cricket: James Watson

Topping them all was JAMES WATSON, winner of the Inspired to Play Award. Huge congratulations and thanks to James and all those shortlisted and nominated. I am so proud and grateful for the work they all put into making the Wick the great club it is. We owe them all a huge THANK YOU!!

Secondly, we received the latest update from the Surrey Championship about significant changes that likely to come to senior league cricket in 2025. I say “likely to come” because the changes still need a vote of approval from the current member clubs of the Surrey Championship and the two other leagues joining to create the Surrey Cricket Championship. Click here to view the proposals. The main update was that the player survey of more than 1,600 players across the three current leagues, including more than 50 Wick players, was overwhelmingly positive. For this reason the club will vote in favour of the dissolution of the Surrey Championship at the EGM to be held in mid-October.

Two weeks of league cricket to go….where did the season go?! Enjoy it while it lasts and, of course, UP THE WICK!

Sam Kemp

HWRCC Chairman

Update from the Chairman

Easter is here so season’s greetings to all those celebrating and enjoy the long weekend!

Although Easter is relatively early this year, it heralds the start of the season proper. Spring is springing, indoor training is now finished, we head outside for training from Wednesday, 10 April and the first pre-season fixtures are fast approaching.

I’m delighted that another date is imminent… Tuesday, 2 April will see the start of the work to demolish the remains of the pavilion. At last we will start to see tangible results from all the hard work that the Pavilion Rebuild Board have undertaken since 7 September last year.

Particular big shout out and thanks to Simon Coles, Emma Beavan and Ben Houghton for this achievement. This is the result of their hard work with the Royal Parks management team, Richmond Council and the appointed contractors to reach this milestone.

Our target is to complete the demolition and remove the rubble before the Adult league season starts. More info will follow during the demolition works because vehicle access and parking will be compromised during the demolition.

Work also continues in the background to establish the temporary facilities ahead of the season. This will be a challenge whilst the demolition is in progress. Our target is to have a combination of portacabin type structures and a semi-permanent marquee in place as soon as possible. Watch this space for regular progress updates.

I am also delighted to let you know about a couple of other arrivals…

Firstly, James Chapple, a wicket-keeper / batsman from the state of Victoria, Australia will be at the Wick for the 2024 season. James had a successful season playing in the Bradford league in Yorkshire in 2023 and he will be back in the UK with us from mid-April. We are looking for paid accommodation for James for the season. If you can help out please let us know.

Last, but definitely not least, many congrats to Andrae and Ushea McDonald on the arrival of their beautiful baby daughter Ariella who was born on 16 March.


Another busy week at the Wick, the highlight of which was my visit with Dom Spray to No.10 Downing Street to meet Myles Stacey OBE, Communities Special Adviser to the Prime Minister.

We were invited to No10 along with our colleagues from Heathfield Primary School and others from the MCC, Chance to Shine, and the CEO of Fairbreak to discuss the model we have put in place to encourage state school children, especially girls, to play cricket and to give them access to competitive sport. We spent more than an hour with Myles Stacey and let’s hope this is the first of many steps to improve access to competitive sport in state primary schools.

And following International Women’s Day, I am appealing to all women who are involved in the club, whether as parents and guardians, supporters, or age group helpers. We want to appoint a women to join our Committee as Head of Women’s & Girls Cricket. I am very conscious that although our Committee has some diversity amongst the members from an ethnicity and age perspective, we are currently all male. I want to change this.

One of the club’s overriding priorities is to increase the number of women and girls involved in cricket at the club. We want to build on the success of our girls’ teams achievements last season with the help of the Heathfield crew.  We really need female presence as an absolute priority on the Committee to talk through ideas about how to increase female participation.

No cricket experience is necessary and the time commitment can be tailored to whatever individuals can offer.  We also don’t expect one person to have to solve all the issues or find all the answers; there are lots of ideas and resources available and the full (and considerable) weight of the whole club is behind this to help.

If you think you may like to get involved, in however small a way, please contact Dom Spray ( Head of Junior Cricket or Sam Kemp, Club Chairman ( to chat further.  We have also lined up a Wick Women’s team friendly for later in the season, so will be asking for anyone who fancies getting involved to come along and have a try!  More details to follow.

EXCLUSIVE: England legend Jack Russell’s top keeping tips

England and Gloucestershire legend – and friend of The Wick – Jack Russell took some time out from painting and being an all-round decent bloke to give his top tips on how to improve as a wicketkeeper.

How do you stay confident when standing up to the stumps?

Standing up to the stumps is mainly about concentration. If something surprises you and you’re not ready for it then you’re not concentrating properly. Also, an intense (mentally) focus on the ball at all times is key, even when you lose it for a second through the gate or down the leg side. A lot of keepers don’t watch the ball hard enough during the last two or three feet. They may think they are but it’s easy not to. Important not to let the batsman put you off. Practise batsman putting you off and get used to it. It’s all mental discipline and control.

What do you do if you miss a ball?

How you react to this is crucial. You have to put it out of your mind, as you should do if you do something brilliant. Don’t take any baggage mentally into the next delivery. Each delivery is a fresh challenge. Leave it to the end of the day, then work out what might have happened. With good things you’ve done as well. Work out what you did well and remember it.

What about preparations?

The better prepared you are the better you will play consistently. That includes fitness. We all make mistakes when we’re tired so you have to be the fittest physically and mentally to give yourself the best chance. With drills make sure you practise the difficult things. There’s two types of practice. One is practicing to be perfect. Two is your practising to extend your abilities and skill. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes because you’re looking to push boundaries. Eg: diving catches one handed, try and take catches you can’t reach. Or Yorker length delivers stood up to the stumps. Always practise taking balls off the bowlers you are going to keep wicket to, especially spinners. You can never do enough if it AND DON’T get bored doing it. If you get bored, stop! Because you’ll be practising bad mental processes. Make your bowlers do it because they’re also going to benefit with extra wickets!!! Hope that helps.

Any good books out there?

Luke Sutton has a great book out called “The Wonderful World Of Wicketkeepers” which I can recommend. Also – James Knott and Andy O’Connor’s book on keeping is great.

What was your best take?

That has to be one handed, stood up to seam bowler Mike Cawdren at Lord’s Glos v Somerset Nat West Final 1999 (saved 4 wides!).

Following last year’s devastating fire, Jack helped us raise more than £6,000 by generously donating a print of one of his paintings for our fundraising auction. Thanks again Jack for your help and support from all of us at The Wick?

HWRCC to join Holi Festival with batting net challenge

Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club is delighted to be involved in the Holi Festival 2024 – hosted by Thecrazegroup.

Members of the club will be on hand with our “batting challenge” net – as well as getting involved in the celebrations.

Thecrazegroup has kindly offered to donate a percentage of the event profits to the pavilion rebuild project – and we will also be taking donations on the day.

What is Holi? The Festival of Colors, Love and Spring explained

Organiser Surbhi Agrawal said: “We’re fully behind our local club, ready to lend our support in every way possible to see it thrive and bring the joy of cricket to everyone involved.”

Sam Kemp, Chairman of HWRCC said: “We’re delighted to have been invited to be involved in the Holi celebrations.

“Community is a vital part of our club so it will be great to learn more about the celebration itself.

“And of course, we can’t wait to share the story of our club and give people the chance to have a go themselves at a bit of cricket.”

The event is being held on March 16 at YMCA Hawker.

There will be kids’ activities, a raffle, amazing food and bazaar stalls, colour stalls, and a tombola.

Adult tickets cost £16, kids aged 4-12 £8 and toddlers get in free of charge.

You can get your tickets here:

What is Holi? The Festival of Colors, Love and Spring explained

Holi, known as the Festival of Colors, Love, and Spring, is a Hindu celebration that venerates the eternal love of Radha and Krishna and symbolises the victory of good over evil with Vishnu’s triumph as Narasimha over Hiranyakashipu. Originating in the Indian subcontinent, Holi has spread to Asia and parts of the Western world.

It marks the onset of spring, the end of winter, and the flourishing of love, while also heralding the beginning of a fruitful harvest season. Lasting a night and a day, it commences on the evening of the full moon day in the Hindu calendar month of Phalaguna, typically in mid-March.


Holi is a sacred Hindu tradition celebrated as a holiday in many states of India and Nepal, with regional observances in other countries. It serves as a cultural celebration, inviting people of all backgrounds to partake in the joy by exchanging colored water and powder, as well as a time for Hindus to reflect on renewing relationships, resolving conflicts, and letting go of past emotional burdens.

Furthermore, Holi carries religious significance, exemplified by the legend of Holika, underscoring its multifaceted importance in Hindu culture and beyond.

Opening Up Cricket: Charity boss on why rain breaks aren’t all bad

Anyone who has played cricket for even a short amount of time will know about those frustrating rain delays… and long breaks in play.

The lower-order batsman hanging around waiting to put the pads on – an issue less relevant at The Wick.

However, Mark Boyns – who set up Opening Up Cricket – believes it’s these breaks that sets cricket apart as one of the best sports for promoting and maintaining good mental health.

Mark founded the charity in 2014 after his friend and Sefton Park CC team-mate Alex Miller took his own life.

Since then, Mark and his team of volunteers have delivered hundreds of sessions to cricket clubs across the UK and abroad.

Their message is about promoting mental wellbeing and raising awareness of good mental health.

Mark kindly took some time out to talk to us about why cricket is such a valuable sport for keeping the mind happy and healthy.

And while they may seem annoying at the time – Mark believes those pesky rain delays are one of the main benefits to playing our beautiful game.

“The length of cricket games – even the shorter formats – gives you the opportunity to spend more time with people.

“There are naturally long periods where you’ll be sat there talking – tea, during rain breaks or while you’re waiting to bat.

“This gives us the space and time to have conversations. These could be about nothing in particular but they give us the potential to build friendships and close bonds within a team.”

Mark also highlights other aspects of cricket that have benefits to mental health awareness and resilience.

“Cricket is very much a game where you’re responding to changing situations.

“Whether it’s keeping on top a run rate, building an innings, or setting the right fields – cricket helps build the mental skills to deal with these situations.

“And a huge part of this is team work – cricket is very much a sharing experience.”

Cricket also offers a huge range of opportunities for people to start in the game – or to keep involved as the years start to catch up.

Mark points out: “There are so many different aspects to cricket and opportunities for people within club settings – playing, coaching, scoring, umpiring, working the bar, making teas, organising events and tours.”

You can find out more about then great work Opening Up Cricket does here: