Wow and wow again! That was the general sentiment of all those who were able to join us at our 160th Anniversary Dinner on Saturday last week.

It was a fantastic occasion where we were royally entertained and celebrated all that’s good about the Wick. Thanks so much to the Dream Team of Messrs Collier, Lefeuvre, Richards and Dowling that worked so hard to organise it. Also many thanks to those that donated items for the auction and raffle.

Now that their forensic investigation is complete, we have at last been given the green light by the insurers to demolish what’s left of the pavilion and the clear the site. This will probably take a few more weeks once we have awarded the work to a contractor. One immediate benefit of this is that Harlequins Amateur rugby club will be able to resume training on the outfield of our main pitch. Until the site is cleared all training and matches have been consigned to the Kings Field.

As I mentioned in my update last week we have booked the indoor training facilities at Esher College and Tiffin Boys School for our indoor winter training program. The first sessions will run from Sunday, 14 January 2024. Details will soon follow from the Juniors leadership team.

We are looking for a new Membership Secretary for the club. After several years in the role, Phil Miles is stepping down. This is a critical role and many thanks to Phil for his diligence in that capacity.

Off season the workload is pretty light but during the season it requires a couple of hours a week. If you would like to get involved in the running of the club and are well organised and good with data please let me know. You are just the right person to take over from Phil!

Finally, this week will see many events to celebrate the build up to Diwali next Sunday, 12 November. Have fun and best wishes to all those taking part!