Introducing the 160 Club - a new fundraising lottery at the Wick
By joining, every month you will be contributing towards increased and improved coaching at all levels, improved training equipment, and The Wick's Development Fund - which will make sure cricket is open and accessible to all. You will also be helping with essential ground improvements and many other important causes.
Terms & Conditions
The more Members in the 160 Club, the bigger the prize - and the more funds we raise. Every single member who signs up will make a real difference.
At our annual dinner on October 28 we will have a JACKPOT draw with guaranteed prize money of between £500 and £1,000. There are 5 other draws every year with cash prizes ranging between £50 and £320 depending on membership numbers.
More details to follow.
How do I join?
It's simple. Log onto your banking app and set up a STANDING ORDER. Select £10 per month or £120 per year - or multiples there of if you want more tickets.
Our bank details are:
Bank name: Nat West
Account name: Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club
Account number: 54101689
Sort Code: 60-60-02
Reference: [Please put in your name]
If asked, it's a 'FUNDRAISING' account
Preferred payment date 5th of the month. (if possible)
Once you have done this please email and provide confirmation you have read and accept the Terms and Conditions as well as your name, contact number and postal address.
Will me joining make a difference?
Yes, yes, yes! The aim of the 160 Club is to raise much-needed funds for Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club in our 160th year and in future years. Every pound will make a difference from developing junior cricket to improving equipment and facilities.
Who can join?
The 160 Club is open to anyone who wants to help and be part of Hampton Wick Cricket Club.
We are very privileged to play cricket in Bushey Park, and we do have excellent facilities.
The cost of running a sport club is growing every year - so, by joining and passing on the word and encouraging others to join, collectively we can make a huge difference.
Whether you are a current player, former player, a junior member's parent, social member, or family and friend of the club, all are welcome.
Draw Dates